Six presentation truths you should never forget
This article highlights some aspects of presenting and public speaking that you need to know if you want to present confidently and keep your audience engaged.
This article highlights some aspects of presenting and public speaking that you need to know if you want to present confidently and keep your audience engaged.
One of the golden rules of presenting and public speaking is to research your audience well. But even when we know the audience are related to our topic, we cannot guarantee they will be interested. Make sure you TELL the audience why they should listen to you.
Is it possible to achieve ‘perfection’ in public speaking? I would say that we need to change the word ‘perfection’ to ‘success’.
To achieve success it is vital that you connect with your audience. And to do this, you need to focus your energy OUT towards your audience and be intent on connecting with them. That is the secret of a great presentation – connection.
Seven ideas for your next remote presentation to help any prospective multitaskers from getting too distracted, and at the same time to help you maintain your enthusiasm and energy.
Whatever language you are presenting in, it’s important that your presentation has impact.With an impactful presentation, the audience willl receive your message loud and clear. Here are 10 tips to engage the audience and make them remember you!
In this post I give you 8 tips that will help you present in English more effectively
For many people giving a presentation is an extremely nerve wracking experience especially if they have to give it in a foreign language. Here are some tips on how to prepare a presentation in English.
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