Present big ideas not small details

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Present big ideas not small details

One of the best books I’ve read recently on effective communication and presentations is ‘The Compelling Communicator’ by Tim Pollard.

Pollard quite rightly states that the reason so many people communicate badly is because they don’t understand exactly how the brain processes information.

He starts the book with a very insightful message that, if you implement it in your presentations, would indeed make you a compelling communicator:

“Powerfully land a small number of big ideas”

Let’s unpack this and show you how to apply it to your next presentation.

Pollard’s book is about CREATING the content of your presentation in a way that allows your messages to stick. Your presentation messages can’t be acted upon if your audience can’t remember them.

If we’re talking about understanding and memory, we’re inevitably talking about how the brain processes and stores information. The key is to create the content for your presentation in a way that the brain CAN process and store that information. And the fact is, that the brain is simply not very good at storing and processing facts, details and numbers. However, it IS good at dealing with IDEAS.

We live in a world of information overload. The way that our evolved brain deals with this fact is that it constantly looks for ways to reduce all the information to its simplest and most concise form. We could say that the brain is reductionist. If the brain is reductionist and wants to boil down information to its CORE ideas, then it stands to reason that the presenter who presents at the level of ideas is much more likely to be heard and understood than the presenter who insists on communicating large sets of complex data and facts. 

When it comes to remembering, to storing information, the brain needs context. It needs to connect the incoming information to something it already knows, otherwise instant forgettability on the part of the audience will be the order of the day.

So, getting to the nitty-gritty, how can we effectively ‘land a small number of ideas’ so the audience remember our presentation message? Here are some tips:

  • KISS (Keep It Short & Simple) – don’t overload your presentation with too much information, less is more.
  • Focus your main idea on solving a problem the audience has.
  • Organise your presentation information using the ‘planned outcome structure’:
  • Be clear on what you want your audience to DO at the end of your presentation.
  • Understand what your audience needs to BELIEVE to take the action you desire from them – what insights do you need to give them?
  • Give them only the data and facts needed to support and prove the insights, nothing more.
  • Create the presentation content in story form using ‘SCR – situation, conflict, resolution.
  • Incorporate stories and personal anecdotes to engage your audience.
  • Ensure that your points connect logically and flow smoothly from one to the next.
  • Start the presentation with something very relevant to your audience’s ‘problem’ and that is emotionally engaging.
  • Speak with simple language, short sentences, pauses and limited jargon.
  • Use visuals that complement your narrative and help the audience to understand your points.

However you plan and structure the content of a presentation, you can’t get away from the fact that it’s how the audience’s brains will process and store your content that rules.

Prioritise ideas over details. Focus on a handful of crucial insights that strongly support your ideas and that drive action. Remember the advice of Tim Pollard – “Powerfully land a small number of big ideas”. That really is a big idea expressed in the smallest number!


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feel confident and engage with your audience Janice Haywood